The dojo is operated as a registered non-profit society for the dissemination of Aikido. It is a founding member of the Aikikai of Greece Federation which is affiliated to the International Aikido Federation as well as being fully recognized by the Aikikai Foundation, Tokyo. The technical directors, Janet Clift and Eamonn Devlin, are fully authorized by the Aikikai Foundation (Hombu Dojo) to conduct rank examinations (Kyu and Dan).
We urge those who are interested in starting Aikido to visit the dojo, talk to the Sensei and members, and to attend the training to personally experience the atmosphere and quality at the Aikido of Athens dojo. For many, Aikido becomes a lifelong path of self-development with many benefits in health and general well-being. For such an important decision, it is wise to visit several Aikido dojos before choosing which is the most suitable for you.